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Galaxy Lab

Graduate Student

PhD Project: Analytic exploration of a novel mechanism by which clusters like NGC 6791 could migrate radially without being disrupted.

Award: Travel Fellowship ($3,000) to attend the 2019 International School for Space Science (l'Aquila, Italy)


Award: Fermilab & NSF Travel Award to attend the National Society of Black Physicists Fall 2016 Conference

Astronomy Major '25

Shambhavi Srivastava

Project: Modeling radial migration from a shearing spiral.

Graduate Student

PhD Project: Identifying and using post-resonant kinematic signatures in the Milky Way to place constraints on the history of spiral structure affecting the Solar Neighborhood.

Award: Carland Award for 2021-2022

Postdoctoral Fellow

Graduate Student

PhD Project: Developing a novel technique to numerically distinguish any ordinal series, such as time-domain measurements, as periodic, quasi-periodic, stochastic, or chaotic.

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